Kevin Federline's current "lover", former Playboy model and dirtbag Nicole Narain spoke to News Of The World to cash on on her two cents..  and had plenty of like, things to say, like, about, the way Britney raises the kids, you know what I mean?, and like the way Kevin has like a really, like loving home.  

Watch the video here.  

She tells News of the World that Kevin has revealed to her why he left Britney, so now she's gonna share some secrets with us.  While Brit was drunk from Vodka and Coke, she began nursing Jayden James.  K-Fed told her that if she was going to drink, she should feed him bottle milk, but Brit treated him like one of her employees, warning him not to correct her.  

Also, Brit tried to steal a kiss from loose lipped Nicole, in a bathroom stall while at a club.  Nicole says that she turned Brit's advances down, but of course this is the same pile of sh** that made a sex tape with Collin Farrell and is dating K-Fed, so I'm not making any bets on her word.  

She also says that Kevin fears for the lives of little Jayden James, 1, and Sean Preston, 2, as Brit leaves them unattended by the pool.  He lives in fear that she will, one day, kill herself and or harm the boys.  

I have no doubt that Britney exercises some wreckless parenting, but I'd like to hear the info straight from the horses mouth.  

Check out the full story here.  

[News of the World]

Yes, when your giant AND wide, STRIPES all the way!!!

I have seen many pictures of the family and the promos for their new show Keeping Up With The Kardashians, but I had not watched it yet, until last night... Ew!!

Kris: Mom acts 22, looks every bit of her 67 years.
Kim: slut. Not cute. Zero personality, except for some very obvious characteristics she stole from her bff Paris (which makes her doubly dismal).
Khloe: giant.
Kourtney: is the oldest of the girls and is boring, although they are featuring her the most in the episode I saw.
Kendall and Kylie: from the Lindsay Lohan tribe.. small raspy and mature faced.
Brother Robert, doesn't talk, thankfully.
Bruce Jenner: aka, stretchface, Michael Meyers meets Chucky look alike is too stretched to function.

We're going to be seeing so much more of them and I'm over it!

Britney Spears arrived at the Los Angeles Superior Court 10 minutes early in the Pumpkin Mobile. She pulled cousin Alli Sims out for a cameo, along with Brit's favorite pair of dirty cowboys boots. She again, wore her sunglasses and was fashioned in a somewhat appropriate- for-court-dress, one we haven't seen before.

In ring number two, showing up 5 minutes later, in a black BMW SUV, weighing in a 155 lbs, current primary custody holder champion of the month, was Mr. Kevin "K-Fed" Federline.

The two were in a 3 hour session with Court Commissioner Scott M. Gordon, after having received a poor report from Brit's parenting coach, who was also in attendance for questioning.
During the 3 hour session, Brit dismissed herself on 3 separate occasions to the restroom. Even pulling off mini wardrobe changes during her breaks. Once returning with a top ponytail, another a change from black sunglasses to a pair of brown Chanel's.

Commissioner Gordon did not make a ruling today. Mark Vincent, Federline's attorney said that they expect a written ruling Monday or Tuesday.

Brit is asking for 50/50 joint custody, which sounds like a mother that does not want her children, even a little bit. Currently, under the orders, she is allowed to visit the children at Kevin's home with the parenting coach, but it doesn't appear to be something she's interested in doing.

Although one of Brit's lawyers' said that they are very pleased, alluding that something has changed in her favor, she remained very distraught throughout the process, sobbing and crying. When asked by an Extra reporter, how she was doing, during one of her bathroom breaks, she replied, "Eat it, lick it, snort it, f--k it!" Then she returned to the courtroom and said, "I'm Britney Bitch". Just kidding, she didn't actually say the, "I'm Britney Bitch" part. She just returned to her natural state of bawling.

[images via The Superficial]

How happy do you think Paris is to have her frightening trip to Rwanda, postponed?

Playing for Good Foundation, the charity organization that planned Paris' big philanthropic debut, announced, "Due to the restructuring of the Playing for Good Foundation, the philanthropic trip to Rwanda that the foundation had previously planned with Paris Hilton has been postponed," the charity organization announced.

"Paris has been a loyal and gracious supporter of Playing For Good but the foundation has to regrettably reschedule this trip. Playing for Good would like to thank Ms. Hilton for her generosity and her continued support of this initiative and is looking forward to rescheduling the trip with her at a later time."

In her first interview with Larry King, after her 23 day stint in the LA county jail, she promised to use her celebrity status for good causes. This would have been her first trip on her itinerary for good, to visit schools and health-care clinics.

She got by the hair on her chinny chin chin! "I'm scared, yeah. I've heard it's really dangerous," Hilton told Newsweek magazine earlier this month. "I've never been on a trip like this before."

Did we see this one coming?

Former President and husband to presidential candidate and N.Y. senator, Hillary Clinton, addressed a crowd in Minneapolis, Minnesota at a fund raiser for his wife's campaign on Tuesday.

Clinton's 50-minute speech, which started about an hour behind schedule, was derailed briefly by several hecklers in the audience who shouted that the 2001 terrorist attacks were a fraud. Rather than ignoring them, Clinton seemed to relish a direct confrontation.

Go Hillary!!!!!

I'm confused, why the bipolar poses?

What the holy hell? Is she going as a 90's Lesbian in drag for Halloween?

I think I just found Ellen's new loverrrrr!

This would be a perfect replacement for Portia De Rossi, if indeed the breakup rumors are true!!

Two jilted hearts.

Check out these candid shots from the reality (as in "real", not fake) show, The Hills.

"Okay, Lauren on the set... lights, camera, NOTHING!!!!!!!!! ... cut!


The Enquirer reports that the actress was so traumatized after learning of her 19 year old son Michael, was found dead, that she was put in a 72 hour lockdown at a Los Angeles hospital.

"I want to be with him! I want my boy! Oh my God! How could this have happened?"

Around 11:55, Michael Tylo was found in the pool of their Las Vegas area home. He was fully clothed at the time. The coroner's office listed his death as an accidental drowning, believed to be caused by a seizure he suffered, before falling into the water.

"Hunter was absolutely devastated after receiving the phone call that is every parent's nightmare," a family friend told The ENQUIRER.

"She practically collapsed. She was sobbing. Someone got through to her therapist, who insisted Hunter admit herself to a hospital.

"When Hunter refused, the therapist did what he felt was a life-saving measure — he called the police. Hunter went to the hospital kicking and screaming, managing to crack the window of the police car she was traveling in.

"Doctors medicated her, and after a few minutes, she calmed down.

"A day later, she was taken to Thalians, the psychiatric ward at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. She could not stop crying."

The results from a standard issued, toxicology report, will be available withing a few weeks. Although a spokesman from the Clark County, confirmed that Michael had fell into the pool due to a convulsion from a seizure disorder.

click the pic to preview 'blackout'

Picture_1Look at Amy getting sexy in Amsterdam. She usually skips the cute and sexy attempt and goes for raw talent, but after so many recent near misses, I guess she's ready to do it all!

She's even put an interactive entertainment package together for a very Wino holiday, that she calls, "The Double Trouble Combo". It features her live DVD, a pint glass, and ashtray (both etched with her name, so you can play the part as you go along). The new DVD is appropriately titled, I Told You I Was Trouble, which is more of a documentary featuring candid moments of Amy speaking of her insecurities that lead her to drinking, thus the pint glass.

"I’m quite an insecure person. I’m very insecure about the way I look. I mean, I’m a musician I’m not a model. The more insecure I felt, the more I’d drink ... Life’s short — just do it, do you know what I mean? Life’s short and I’ve made a lot of mistakes, you know."

I'm looking forward to the DVD and just hope I don't feel like I've achieved absolutely nought after watching it.

Cat Power has another album coming out January 22, on Matador. She really got around on this one; it was recorded in Dallas, New York and Miami and it's another all covers record, like her 2000 release of The Covers Record (that had a very ugly cover).

There are 10 (covers) tracks, a new version of "Metal Heart" and "Song To Bobby" and much more palatable album art this time around.

1 Theme From "New York, New York" (Frank Sinatra)
2 "Metal Heart" (Cat Power)
3 "Ramblin’ (Wo)man" (Hank Williams)
4 "Song To Bobby" (Cat Power)
5 "Aretha, Sing One For Me" (George Jackson)
6 "Lost Someone" (James Brown)
7 "I Believe In You" (Bob Dylan)
8 "Fortunate Son" (Creedence Clearwater Revival)
9 "Silver Stallion" (Lee Clayton)
10 "Dark End Of The Street" (Dan Penn & Chips Morman; originally sung by James Carr)
11 "Don’t Explain" (Billie Holiday)
12 "Woman Left Lonely" (Janis Joplin)

See, Brit cares! She knows that pulling some little boys around in a wagon can be a real celebration, a bonding moment for mother and sons. Click the picture to see the full scene.

The court appointed monitor was in tow (not in the wagon) and reports that Britney rarely spent time with her boys, when she had them. It's said, that her report that will be presented to the judge in court, Oct. 26, will not be good. She reveals that Brit spends the most of her time changing clothes and on the phone; no where around the boys. All that fretting over her dress and she settles-up on those dirty cowboy boots.

Sad. These kids look so neglected. I know part of it, is the hillbilly genes, but money usually can do a lot to mask such a thing. I guess that would require Britney actually doing something for them!

This video reveals the monster mind that Howard K. Stern possess. This is frightening. Very sad that this man spent so much time with her, for so many years and in the end, still has zero concern for her. How?

Not that Anna Nicole shouldn't have made better decisions, but he, sober should have had more respect for her unborn child than to allow this kind of behavior.

The money is dirty!

A group of "concerned friends and former associates" of Britney have created a MySpace page called "Be Proactive to Help" is asking you to help her get back on track, by not following the Britney in the media. They also want to discourage fans of Brit's from purchasing her new album Blackout on October 30.

She is a mess. I don't believe that not buying her album will help her in any way, but do think she needs to be locked up!

Remember when Britney was fired from her management team Jeff Kwatinetz of "The Firm", in September? They said she was unmanageable. Well, she certainly can't manage herself.

The backup dancers from her botched performance at the VMA's are now asking Brit to gimme the rest because they were only partially compensated for their performances. Us is reporting that, “The dancers were paid for the actual show and some of the rehearsals, but not all of them”. “Her management usually pays the dancers,” explains the source.

You think Sam Lutfi will get his creepy fingers on her checkbook and start writing checks? ...Cause you know Britney doesn't know how to do that math stuff.

Well, it looks like Brit can kick back and relax, reviews for Blackout are coming in and they're all good. To be expected. She's such a mess to watch attempt to function in everyday life, but empty enough to make a successful pop album (where she contributes basically, just her name and a little vocals).

She's mailable and I don't think that there is a producer that could go wrong with the fame that swirls around this girl. Hype is half the success.

IGN reviewed 'Blackout' and gave it a 6.9. There's a great breakdown of each song on their site. Here is an interesting excerpt of the full review, on the production of Brit's Blackout.

From a production standpoint Blackout is pretty sweet. The sheer amount of layering and overdubs create a full, rich vocal palette for Spears and when listened to on headphones even induce mild bouts of hypnotic euphoria. Ultimately, however, this is just corn syrup saturated ear candy that goes down easy and then is ultimately forgotten. A retro post-new Wave rush encapsulates "Heaven on Earth," which again features breathless Britney working her seductive magic. Yet when coupled with all the "out of shape" photos we've been assaulted with in the tabloids, it's hard to get aroused by the slinky sway of the song. Visual connotations aside, the track is actually one of the more solid offering on the album, Spears keeping her vocals pretty consistent, going for a sultrier, richer approach than her normal shrill demeanor. The chorus itself is incredibly enthralling, lilting along with melodic supremacy.

...Makes you want to hear it, eh? October 30!!!


Just for fun.. here's the uncut version of the 'Gimme More' Video, where Brit Brit gets topless.

Poor Marie Osmond goes down on Dancing With The Stars. You can tell she's just exhausted, panting as the judge, Len Goodman is going on and on about her Samba, until she's gone. The audience is laughing because they think it's a joke.. you know how Marie Osmond is always goofing around.. you never know with that one.

Tom Bergeron declares a commercial break and the judges keep their judging faces on. When they returned, they gave her a 21 out of 30.

This the untalented, unpopular, unattractive and unworthy Khloe Kardashian, whose fame is working as her sister, Kim's (who is equally unworthy and untalented) Personal Assistant, on the new reality show Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

Who the hell are the Kardashians? Three daughters of the late a**hole Robert Kardashian, who defended the very guilty O.J. Simpson in his high profile murder trial and best friend to Bruce Jenner. Kim Kardashian, who is best known as Paris' off and on sidekick, but also known for her amateur porn and large bottom, is the subject of this disastrous new show on E! The other lump sister is Kourtney. Ew.. these names.

Oh, their step-father? Bruce 80's stretch face Jenner. Who has a couple of sexy spawns of his own. In fact he has 10 children in total: Burt, Casey Jenner, Brandon Jenner, Brody Jenner
Kourtney, Kimberly, Khloe, Robert, Kendall and Kylie.

He had his son Burt and daughter, Casey Jenner with, then wife Chrystie Jenner.

Then he had Brandon and Brody Jenner with actress, Linda Thompson.

Then Kendall and Kylie he had with Kris Jenner. Kendall's middle name is "Nicole", named after Nicole Brown Simpson. Who was Kris Jenner's best friend.

Do you feel as dirty as I do? I'm going to stop now.

Why do we care? We don't! I just wanted to show you that this lump looks a lot like Britney is looking these days.

images by WENN, WireImage]

Those Dancing Days are now, they're hip, they're different, they are 5 talented girls from Stockholm, Sweden. They've got a fun new video for their song "Hitten", which is probably the best song on their album, 'Those Dancing Days'.

Remember the skinny, young Vince Vaughn, playing a character that's just learning how to pick up chicks, in 'Swingers'. Well, just look at the old boy now. He's all man and stuff, yuck.

Jennifer Aniston naturally comes to mind when you get a good look at the beast. He just looks like cocaine.

Vaughn and Actor Justin Long from the Apple commercials, are attending a screening of "Vince Vaughn's Wild West Comedy Show: 30 Days & 30 Nights - Hollywood to the Heartland" in NYC.

[splash, WENN, wireimage]

After a tough afternoon of some solo backyard smoking
and dancing, nothing spells Britney relief quite like a
big bowl of ice cream and some super sexy dirty pink boots!
Given the same set of circumstances we cant think of any
better way to spend a weekend.

Watch out, Paris Hilton has a new ultra 80's punky hairdo
which she unveiled at Spike TV's Scream 2007 event in L.A.

It's always nice to have a hobby, ours is blogging celebrity mishaps,
which brings us directly to our point. Kid Rock is a collector of
mugshots and after a close-but-no-cigar call at the MTV VMA's,
he has captured that elusive 07' mugshot that he has always wanted!
As the story goes, it was like any other night in the life of a hillbilly;
all the key ingredients were there, live music, alcohol, Georgia,
fighting, and of course the Waffle house...
And thats where Robert James Ritchie (aka Kid Rock) was
arrested by Georgia police and charged with misdemeanor simple battery.
Way to go Mr. Rock, as always, you make us proud!

Wow, who new identical twins could be so cool? The Canadian duo is enjoying much success on their newest album 'The Con', and deservedly so. This album is full of catchy innovative hits. They are currently on US tour, then on to Australia, so catch a show if you can. Here' their new video for "The Con".

Oct 27 2007 3:00P
Shoreline Amphitheatre Mountain View, California
Oct 28 2007 2:00P
Shoreline Amphitheatre Mountain View
Oct 29 2007 12:00A
Orpheum Theatre - SOLD OUT Los Angeles, California
Oct 30 2007 8:00P
Spreckles Theatre San Diego, California
Oct 31 2007 8:00P
Lobero Theatre Santa Barbara, California
Nov 1 2007 8:00P
Rialto Theatre Tucson, Arizona
Nov 3 2007 8:00P
Boulder Theatre Boulder, Colorado
Nov 5 2007 8:00P
The Granada Lawrence, Kansas
Nov 7 2007 8:00P
Stubbs Austin, Texas
Nov 9 2007 8:00P
House of Blues - Dallas Dallas, Texas
Nov 10 2007 8:00P
House of Blues - New Orleans New Orleans, Louisiana
Nov 12 2007 8:00P
Plaza Theatre Orlando
Nov 13 2007 8:00P
The Culture Room Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Nov 14 2007 8:00P
Jannus Landing St Petersburg, Florida
Nov 16 2007 8:00P
Roxy Theater - SOLD OUT Atlanta, Georgia
Nov 17 2007 8:00P
Cats Cradle - SOLD OUT Carrboro, North Carolina
Nov 19 2007 8:00P
Webster Hall- SOLD OUT New York, New York
Nov 20 2007 8:00P
Calvin Theatre Northhampton, Massachusetts
Nov 21 2007 8:00P
The Berklee Performance Center - SOLD OUT Boston, Massachusetts
Nov 23 2007 8:00P
The Commerce Bank Arts Center Philadelphia, PA (Sewell, NJ)
Nov 24 2007 8:00P
Lisner Auditorium Washington, Washington DC
Nov 25 2007 8:00P
House of Blues - Cleveland Cleveland, Ohio
Nov 26 2007 8:00P
Newport Music Hall Columbus, Ohio
Nov 28 2007 8:00P
St. Andrews - SOLD OUT Detroit
Nov 29 2007 8:00P
Portage Theater - SOLD OUT Chicago, Illinois
Nov 30 2007 8:00P
Pantages Theater Minneapolis, Minnesota
Dec 3 2007 8:00P
Showbox - SOLD OUT Seattle, Washington
Dec 4 2007 8:00P
Crystal Ballroom Portland, Oregon
Dec 5 2007 8:00P
The Senator Chico, California
Dec 6 2007 8:00P
Zellerbach Auditorium at UC Berkeley Berkeley, CA, California
Dec 10 2007 8:00P
Metropolis Fremantle Fremantle, Western Australia
Dec 12 2007 8:00P
Forum Theatre - SOLD OUT Melbourne, Victoria
Dec 13 2007 8:00P
Enmore Theatre Newtown, New South Wales
Dec 15 2007 8:00P
Tivoli Theatre - SOLD OUT Fortitude Valley, Queensland
[image Courtesy of Vapor Us]

Britney made it out Sunday and got stopped long enough, by the photogs, to answer a few questions like; "How do you feel about the Malibu Beach fire?" "What are the kids gonna be for Halloween?" "When are you releasing your next single?"

Britney answers coyly through her hands, as she covers her mouth with her fingers, about her new single; 'December, it's called "Someone"'.

The paparazzi were thrilled to have her attention at a stop light and continued to fire off questions. She reveals that she will be taking the kids trick or treating, and they will be dressing up as pumpkins. ... that's creative.

When asked what she thinks about the out of control fires in Malibu? "I don't think it's by my house? I'm kinda scared."

They went on to ask if she will be "doing dance rehearsals anytime soon?" Brit replies, "I don't know, I don't know if the video's gonna have dancers. It may just be me."

Shall be interesting to see if she actually has her kids by the time Halloween rolls around.

God forbid the little pumpkins come trick or treating to their mom's house, she may not hear the doorbell.
