Jamie and Lynne Spears both submitted declarations to the court today. Dad wrote that Brit believes Sam was responsible for stealing her stuff. Apparently "Satan", or the "second coming of Howard K." has been doing a lot to Britney and she's been talking.

From what she's shared, he sounds to be as dangerous as we thought. Maybe even slightly more dangerous than Britney is to herself.

Britney Spears In Jamie's declaration, he said, "Britney then told me that there was some property of hers that Sam Lutfi had wrongfully taken. She asked me to help get it back. I told her that I would."

Jamie to Brit: I Gotta Cook for the Super Bowl!

In a declaration signed by Jamie Spears, he claims on Sunday, February 3, "I was unable to visit the hospital during the day because I had to work: I am a cook, and I was catering a large Super Bowl party."

Read the docs
Jamie continues, "While I was working Britney called my cell phone at least four times. She called me about every 20 minutes." During one call, she said, "Daddy what are you doing?" Jamie responded, "I told her I was cooking. Britney said, 'What are you doing cooking, daddy? Why are you not here with me?' I told her, 'Baby, daddy's got to work.'"

Jamie continued, saying that Britney asked him to "hurry up and get here ... because you gotta get me out of here."

Jamie said Brit asked him to bring her some vanilla ice cream.

When Jamie got to the hospital, Brit was unreceptive. "I leaned over to kiss her. She turned her head away from me. I said to her, 'I love you.' She said, 'No you don't.'"

Britney became upset, claiming "someone was lying to her" about who was keeping her at UCLA. Jamie said, "No, I'm not keeping you here." A nurse came in to tell Brit that the hospital was keeping her there, not her dad.

According to the declaration, "Britney told me that she had fired her lawyers and that she had new lawyers."

Jamie's Lawyer Denies "Hostile Takeover"

Jamie Spears Attorney Jeryll Cohen, who reps Jamie, submitted a declaration to the conservatorship commissioner, claiming Brit's divorce lawyers got it all wrong when they assumed Jamie was a control freak.

In the declaration, Cohen says Ron Rale, a high-powered lawyer at Trope and Trope, "accused Mr. Spears of attempting 'nothing more than a hostile takeover of our client for improper purposes.'"

Cohen says Jamie was looking "for the least ugly way to save this young woman's life, bring her back to her babies, and keep her safe from predators."

Jamie Spears, submitted a declaration in support of the conservatorship, stating that they didn't tell Britney about the conservatorship because given her "emotional and psychological condition and her dealings with Mr. Lutfi, I believe Britney is incapable of keeping information from Mr. Lutfi. In particular, I believe if she knew I was planning to seek a conservatorship, she would tell Mr. Lufti about the planned conservatorship."

Lynne's declaration read:

I, Lynne Spears, declare:

I am the mother of Britney Spears (“Britney”)., who is the subject of this action. I have personal knowledge of each of the facts set forth in this Declaration, and can testify completely thereto, except as this matters stated on information and belief, and as to such matters I believe them to be true.

This past Monday night (Jan. 28), Britney’s father, Jamie, and I (in separate cars) went to Britney’s house in Beverly Hills because we had heard news reports that Britney had just been in a big fight with Sam Lufti aka Sam Lufti (“sam”), the man who has inserted himself into my daughter’s life, home and finances, and that she was crying. We were very concerned about her safety. We arrived at the Summit Community gatehouse in BHPO at approximately 10 p.m. I was with my friend Jackie.

The guards at the gatehouse stopped us there for awhile. Jackie, Jamie and I finally proceeded to Britney’s house and entered it. We were able to enter the house because it was not locked. Britney does not lock her doors and currently there are no security guards around her residence. Britney was not home. We found Sam, and sam said as we walked in the door that Britney only wanted me to come to the house, and that she was afraid to see her dad.

Two or three paparazzi came into the house and entered the kitchen. They greeted Sam. The paparazzi then reported to Sam where Britney currently was. From the conversation between Sam and the paparazzi I determined that sam had given Felipe (another paparazzi) one of Britney’s cars to get her out of the house when he heard that Jamie and I were on our way to see Britney. I also understood from the conversation that Sam disabled all of Britney's cars. (she has several at her residence.)

Sam had told Britney that Jamie and I were coming to the house to do an intervention, and that Britney panicked and took off with Felipe. Another man named Chad Hardcastle was in the house.

read the full story here, you've got to

[source: TMZ, WENN]