PETA is digging deep. This one's out there...
PETA is viciously attacking the Olsen twins for trolling around in fur and including fur articles in their new clothing line called "The Row".
The girls def need a reality check, but PETA may have gone a little far with their website where you can send them vicious emails and open letters for wearing and selling fur.
The girls have reacted to the public slaying and poor betrayal of them in an exclusive interview with a source close to the twins on A Socialite's Life:
"They aren't phased by the attack on them from PETA. They've always come under fire for their fashion style, so the PETA attack doesn't surprise them at all. They find it sad that PETA has put all of their time, money and resources into this attack on them (Mary-Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen) and many other celebrities along the way, when they could be focusing on doing some actual good for animals."

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