Britney Spears, the one that we see giggling and waving to the cameras at least 3 times a day. The one that calls paparazzi to snap her at Starbucks, drugstores, restaurants, cell phone stores, gas stations, Target, COULD NOT MAKE IT TO COURT TODAY FOR HER OWN EMERGENCY HEARING!

Britney called for an emergency hearing YESTERDAY, seeking expanded visitation rights, stating she wanted to spend some nights with her boys. Reportedly she did not make the 8:30 am appearance because she didn't feel like wading through the crowd. "Crowd" meaning a self induced frenzy of people that flock to photograph her every move.

She is has lost her purpose. She has become a victim of her own identity.

She learned two very valuable lessons from Paris Hilton, when they were BFF's for 4 days.

1) do not wear underpants.

2) call the paparazzi every time you leave the house and alert them of your destination.

She is talentless and confused about why and how she is famous.

To top if off she was seen out late last night, around 2 am in Marina del Rey.

You get one chance to pave the foundation that is your children's lives. She's not even trying.