True love. Lindsay Lohan and her new love Riley Giles have so much in common.

I don't believe this girl is clean for one second. The pictures of her since her break from rehab have all looked so dirty. Maybe she just hasn't shaken of that special used-up, over-processed cocaine look she's had for so long.

He has a troubled past with the law, just as she. This relationship will be nothing, but more trouble for the both of them.

She tells InTouch magazine that “yes, I am seeing someone. His name is Riley. I am really happy and taking it day by day.” Well that's what you learn in a 12 step program, nice start.

It was reported that Lindsay was the cause for his broken engagement, but that may not be true! There are rumors insisting that he may still be engaged.

It gets better! Lindsay and Riley are now said to be engaged and the little band on her finger is fueling the rumors.