A mega-popstar loses out to a wannabe rapper! Britney would probably do everything she could to beat out Kevin, if the two were battling for the number one spot, on the charts. So why didn't she follow L.A. Superior Court's, Judge Gordon's orders, when he laid down the law? Britney was ordered to attend parenting classes, random drug tests, and get a damn California drivers license last week. While Brit's song "Gimme More" is finally topping charts, she's losing the opportunity of a lifetime. Poor Britney is so blinded by the flashing bulbs that she can't see her own demise. On Monday, the judge ordered that Brit turn over physical custody of her two boys, 2 yr. old Sean Preston and 1 yr. old Jayden James, to Kevin Federline. I have to ask how a girl, that has the world at her disposal, manages to lose custody of her most valuable possessions? To be young, healthy and one of the richest woman in the world seems like the perfect combination to offer your children the finest possible life. The luxury of staying home with them, traveling with them, making their meals, reading stories, foreign language tutors, nutritionists to prepare menus, the best clothes, the softest sheets, swimming lessons, villas in Italy...... why? why? Why not just retire from the spotlight and enjoy the experience of being a parent? Moreover, how do you lose physical custody of your children to likes of a wannabe rapper, who's only claim to fame is YOU!? While there is no replacement for the comfort of a mother, we can only hope that this was a wise decision on the judges part and Kevin will take the honor of raising their children seriously. Oh Britney, I beg thee to get it together!