Bands Oasis and Jamiroquai are just two of the bands that are rumored to be following suit to give away their music. Neither of the two bands are currently working under recording contracts, which will allow them to experiment with the promotion of their new albums.

After Radiohead announced last week, that they would allow fans to download their music without charge, their site jumped from number 43 to number 1 of top UK music websites. HitWise, an internet monitoring agency recorded an 11-fold increase in internet hits after Radiohead made their announcement.

How do these bands intend to make money if they give their music away for free? Well they are counting on concert ticket sales and merchandise.

Several bands that are out of contract are planning to do the same. Robbie Williams' management company said this of the concept, "“I think a lot could follow. You’ve got to be sure about your fan base but why would you sign your career away to a record label when CD sales are falling so rapidly?”